Walk/Bike/Places 2020
Keep Me Updated

Program & Speaker List

Submit Your Application

Below you will find Sched, our online program for the conference. The program in Sched will continue to be updated and added to leading up to the event!

Later in spring we will connect registered attendees to Sched, which allows participants to see the most up to date schedule and sessions, plan out what they'd like to do during the event, and connect with other attendees.

Once we link registered attendees up with Sched later in spring, events/sessions can be added to a personal schedule. There will also be a few optional/additional side activities added in Sched (such as tours) that one can sign up for in the weeks leading up to the event. Please note: For mobile workshops, you already selected your option when you registered and cannot change this through Sched.

For any questions about our program, please email us at: info@placemakingweek.org